Photo Inspired Drawing & Painting
DRAWING classes
Spring 2016 Drawing Challenges
In each class we will work on one challenge and discuss the issues. Work is completed at home or in class if you want to do fewer challenges. Copy right free images only - your own, from a website or images provided in class. Drawings can be any size, from 2.5x3.5in upwards. Work will be completed as homework. Paint My Photo is a reliable website for copy right free images.NOTE: Critiques at the beginning of every class – bring art for help & review. Drawing Materials: Acrylic Ink
Acrylic Inks - red - blue - yellow - black - white NOTE: any colour you choose will mix with another to create more colours. Brick Red, Magenta, Indian Yellow, Raw Sienna, Ultramarine Blue, Cerulean are some examples. Ink Tray - holds a number of small capped bottles and has a centre for mixing + holding your caps. Pen Nibs and Holders
Drawing Materials: Charcoal Class
Painting: Brushes and Palette Knife
Spring 2016 Painting Challenges
CLASS STRUCTURE: 1) Discuss upcoming challenge and 2) a weekly critique that return to the lessons learned – in order as listed –up to 45min in the front of the class.. Work will be completed as homework. Individual help offered throughout the class on technique and design. Paintings can be any size, from 12x12 upwards.NEW: Section 1-3, 4-5 & 6-8 can be in one or individual assignment/paintings.NOTE: Critiques at the beginning of every class – bring art for help & review. PHOTOS: Your images or from a source like Paint My Photo website - Samples available in class. Assignments are flexible and open to interpretation. Use whichever images you have and address them to the challenge to widen your understanding. 1st Section
1 - Layers – Transparent and Opaque overlaid + looking at the images and seeing the shapes of the positive and negative space. 2 - Texture - Demo on Palette Knife and Textures - You will experiment with texture. Bring Heavy Body Gel, Modeling Paste, Painting Knives and other tools along with at least 2 canvases for experimentation 3 - Portrait – human or animal – even imaginary An opportunity to work towards abstraction and use of strong colour 2nd Section 4 - Multiples – same subject but two or three paintings - change size, colour, composition or focus. 5 - Urban or Rural Scene – landscape &/or architecture 6 - Colour Control – one or more – explore what that will do. 3rd Section 7 - Emotional Response – colour or shape Does the image have one or can you put one in? 8 - Crop – adjust the image to fit the project Add, Take-away, Reduce or Expand an image to a stronger or different purpose 9 - Words = Themes Power of words – visible use or emotional response. Collage is possible or transfers. Relate to a scene, portrait with words [poetry may be a source] Use one or many words – random or in verse – examples provided 10 - Review – art in progress bring to critique and for individual help |
Painting Material List
Paints Use the colours you like and have the primaries*, raw umber, black and white. I have added some other colours in case you are looking for more variety
Mediums: Modeling Paste - for oils or acrylic - to be used under the paint Acrylics
[2” slim pie shape knife and a blunt ended palette knife are suggested] Brushes: 3 sizes of each type [small #2 , med #4-6, large #10-12 - bright/flat/round/filbert]. For a large brush use a 2” thin bristle brush – comes in a plastic sleeve. NOTE: Nylon is best for acrylic – paint applied is crisp and controlled. Hair and Bristle brushes offer a softer brush stroke - must be kept moist but not wet. Palette – Use any type